Hifz Section

About Program

Hifz is optional at SUFRA Schooling School. The characteristics developed in children through foundation classes prepares children for effective Hifz. During Hifz children are encouraged to continue the academics at a slower pace. The Hifz section is closely monitored and the progress of the children is frequently tested.

Key Features

The following are the highlights of our Hifz Program:

  • The programme is expected to be completed in two years.
  • Hifz students receive the best support from dedicated Qaris.
  • The low student-to-teacher ratio of 10:1 ensures one-on-one attention and guidance for each student.
  • Supplementary classes are provided to Hifz students in order to keep them up to date on important areas of development.
  • Various supplications are memorised.
  • Tarbiyah intensive sessions assist students in developing good character, manners, and ethics.
  • A ceremony is held to commemorate the completion of Hifz.
  • Huffaz are awarded certificates in the annual Hifz convocation ceremony.
  • After the completion of Hifz, the school provides additional assistance to the Huffaz in resuming their academic studies.

Days & Timings:

  • Monday to Thursday (8:00 am to 3:00 pm)
  • Saturday (9:00 am to 1:00 pm)